
Our vision for sustainability is to "Create a society in which every person in the world, now and in the future, can expand their talents and possibilities to live a happy life.": Education has the power to solve all of society's problems and with that in mind, we provide individuals the ability to think and act in order to take off from their environment and design their own life, raising people to realize a rich, sustainable society through education, contributing to a society in which people lead a happy life.
Our main themes and duties are to (1) provide education that expands the talents and possibilities to every person in the world, (2) promote a school management with consideration towards the talents' development and environment and SDGs and (3), circulate human capital locally and in society, by making the best of diverse talents.
Create a society in which every person in the world, now and in the future, can expand their talents and possibilities to live a happy life.
Education has the power to solve all of society's problems and with that in mind, we provide individuals the ability to think and act in order to take off from their environment and design their own life.
YARUKI Switch Group is raising people to realize a rich, sustainable society through education, contributing to a society in which people lead a happy life.
Themes engaged by the group
Provide education that expands the talents and possibilities to every person in the world
By providing an education service based on the YARUKI Method, we raise talents while focusing on non-cognitive abilities, contributing to eliminate the inequality of educational opportunities by building a system promotes returns regardless of home or region through our developed knowledge.
Look for major activities
Promote a school management with consideration towards the talents' development and environment and SDGs
Introducing the SDGs themes in every brand's contents and KDI learning stations. Additionally, we promote learning about SDGs with the children while managing school in consideration of the environment.
Look for major activities
Circulate human capital locally and in society, by making the best of diverse talent
We contribute to regional globalization where people can help each other regardless of nationality by creating an organization with motivated staff from various backgrounds. And by opening paths to those raising children or that have raised children, even after resigning, we are able to contribute to the talent cycle in society.
Look for major activities
Theme 1
Contributions to the local community by providing education know-how to the region of Minami-Isecho, number 1 in Japan in terms of elderly population (since June 2016)
Part of the plan to revitalize the region of Minami-isecho and attract younger residents, this unique business is preparing an appealing environment for raising children and attracts attention not only from the prefecture, but the whole country as well.

Free video lessons and educational information at the YARUKI Switch Premium Club (Since April 2020)
We offer video lessons at YARUKI Switch Premium Club based on the season, with explanations on how to choose your course from early childhood up to high school level.

Providing Individual Education service to the Ashinaga Foundation for children who lost their parents to sickness, disasters or suicide (since April 2021)
YARUKI Switch Group is collaborating pro bono, by offering Individual Education School IE's know-how to the Learning Support Program, a educational support aimed at elementary and junior high school students by the Ashinaga Foundation, an institute that supports orphans in and out of Japan.

Japanese lessons for foreign children in Edogawa Ward (since January 2022)
Amidst the increased influx of foreign immigrants following revised immigration laws, we provide Japanese language support in the Edogawa Ward to children who have the right to education in Japan fall behind due to poor understanding of the Japanese language and culture.

Theme 2
We continue to promote an understanding of social activities in early childhood through the KDI Learning Stations In KDI, we conduct mock social activities, as consumers and different job experiences. We nurture their social skills from early on and aim to build the foundation to live a wonderful life in school and society by experiencing cooperation, their efforts and responsibilities.

We are planning on including teaching materials that include SDGs, starting within the Group, with Thinking Power Lab and Programming School HALLO.

Promotion of LED lights for school lights in directly managed schools. (as of March 2022)

In order to promote paperless procedures (applications, instructions, billing, etc.), aside from gathering all instructions at YSPC, from December 2021 every brand has started digital enrollments and digitalization of new enrollments has gone up 71.3% (as of March 2022), contributing to paperless procedures and labor-saving.
Theme 3
A diverse cast of employees and teacher from over 35 different countries (as of August 2021)
The presence of foreign talents is imperative for our early childhood education business, especially in the English After School and English Conversation for children. 14% of all our group employees are foreigners and their attachment and security to work long term contributes to our groups development. And we continue to promote and guide foreign employees to managerial positions in our core company, with 3 (2%) foreign employees in managerial positions (manager or higher). We plan on focusing more efforts in promoting those positions, aiming for a company management that is ahead of an increasingly diverse society.
Contributing to employing of people with disabilities by YARUKI Switch Farm
3 years have passed since the start of YARUKI Switch Farm in the "Work Happiness Farm: Mobara Farm 2", located in Mobara, Chiba. All people with disabilities, work under 3 farm managers with continuous success experiences.

Female Executive Officers / Employees' activities
Our group's business include the Individual Education business, Early childhood business, etc., and while their opinion as citizens and consumers are important, we also want female instructors, and consider the training of female leaders an important issue. Currently, over 19% of our Group companies' managerial positions (manager or higher) are filled by female employees, including 2 Executive Officers (50%) and 1 Executive Director (17%) in YARUKI Switch Group Co., Ltd, our core business. And we, the Holding Company, currently have 1 female Executive Director (14%). We will continue to maintain and increase the female manager ratio and their activities.
And not limited to female and foreign employees, we consider the influx of human capital to be an important issue from the point of view of sustainability, due to the characteristics of the education industry and believe that the actions of people in various stages are valuable.
Activities rooted on communites around over 2,000 schools throughout Japan
Our Group has schools in every prefecture of Japan. Not only every school has connections to the local elementary and junior high shools, we strive to follow society's rules and coexist with various local communities. Additionally, we contribute to the community's development by watching over the children and providing education opportunities through various seasonal events not limited to existing customers.
Business development
through sustainability vision
We believe that having a business strategy in line with the corporate philosophy and dealing with each theme and the sustainability vision in line with the corporate philosophy will contribute to expanding our values and result in increasing our corporate value.

The main ESG (Environment, Society, Governance) data of YARUKI Switch Group
Ratio of Female Employees and Managers at YARUKI Switch Group
Regular employees as of the end of the fiscal year
Child/family care leave
Each year from march to February
※exincluding of the male
※exincluding of employees who continuingly took the second childcare leave
Work-life Management Data
Each year from march to February
(Percentage of female wages compared to male wages)
※Limited to those who have been employed throughout the fiscal year.
※Includes base salary, overtime pay, bonuses, etc., but excludes retirement benefits, commuting allowances, etc.
※Includes seconded employees from our company group to external companies, but excludes seconded employees from other companies to our company group. Part-time and Fixed-term employees
※Includes part-time and temporary employees,but excludes dispatched employees.
Foreign employees
Regular employees as of the end of the fiscal year
An international network of 2,300 schools, from individual education cram schools to intellectual, English education.
YARUKI Switch Group is a comprehensive education group operating individual education cram schools, early childhood classes, kids sports schools, English conversation schools, after-school childcare in English, bilingual kindergartens and bilingual childcare facilities, nationwide and internationally.
We support the education of over 130,000 children in 2,300 schools within Japan and internationally.
We cheer on the dreams and lives of children around the world by finding the jewel inside each and every single one and explore the infinite possibilities within them.

and elementary school exam

pre and elementary school

for pre and elementary school

aftercshool care

global citizens

and childcare